Creating value with artificial intelligence and automation
Netbots Norway develops automated, groundbreaking solutions that combine the best of artificial intelligence with real-time data analysis to automate intelligent content creation and business processes. This allows us to provide unparalleled value and huge savings for media companies, sportsbooks and other industries.
increase user satisfaction,
loyalty and revenues
while cutting costs
The Dunning-Kruger effect and sports betting
Most people are simply not any good at estimating their own abilities and knowledge, claim psychologists.
Boost sportsbook user satisfaction by using competitions
Boost your sportsbook, improve your market position and increase your customer retention rates by offering added value such as contests!
How to make your users stay longer at your sportsbook
Are you doing enough to keep customers on your sportsbook website? Here’s how and why you should engage your users
Belief bias and confirmation bias: A duo that controls your mind
How belief bias and confirmation bias makes you see and hear what you want to see and hear, creating your